How I Made This Website

Welcome to this website that I made! I think it's very dot org. Perhaps it's even very very very dot org. We might never know.

I made this website because I keep writing things and I never know where to post them. A lot of people seem to use Medium for this purpose but it sucks to hand your work to someone else so they can make money off it. Plus they just fired a bunch of people last year and I would rather not build a house on quicksand.

I'm a programmer, I can make my own blog. So here it is! It took me about 4 hours to write the code, another 4 hours to do all the visual design, 2 hours to draw the fairy, and 2 hours to write this post and the about page. Not bad for a couple workdays, if I do say so myself.

If you want all the juicy technical details about how this site is put together, read on.

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